lørdag den 21. maj 2011

''taken pictures'' that's what I love

So life's good. Copenhagen is doing onderfull and now the summer's here!
I like to take pictures. But sadly I don't have a good camera. But soonest I get some money I'll buy that Canon-thing.

A picture can say more than thousand words. Can describe a mermory better than 5 friends. A picture can remember better than most of the people... A picture is a picture...

 like the first picture's saying  - I can't explain and I won't even try...

            like friendship...
                hard times...
          And in the end you realize that the best things in life aren't things...

søndag den 15. maj 2011

Pictures, presents and poor Sundays...

Why is so Friday so bloody close to Mondayand Monday so far away from Friday? I really don't know...anyways it's Sunday, it's cloudy and I have don't really much to do.. (except from homework, jet-non-made eassys, jet-not-cleaning, jet-not- a thoundsands of things..Yeah..I'm always so bussy). Btw it reminds me of I really want a presents..you know just a lilttle tinny one from a friend or a sister something like ''hey Caroline, I saw this and it made me think of you..so here you go''-thing. For my good it's soon my birtday..yay! Back to the business...
 I just liked to share some pictures. I love to take pictures. Just to freeze a very good moment for forver in a picture..I can spend hours just looking for pictures on my computer...Here is some:

              Beatle's  ''Let it be'' totally  a hit! Let it be, let it be, let it be...

lørdag den 14. maj 2011

Eurovision Song Contest 2011

... And yeah I'm one of those people who's watching is. Most of the years I really think it was so horrible, but I'm just loving watching compititions. Especilly when Denamrks is in one. - And it wouldn't matter if they win or not...LIE! Okay honestly I hate to loose...really! I hate it! But hopefully this year Denmark will win..Please!
But during this song-thing I found my new hotties. They are twins and they look so cute. And then they're just wonderfull - it's the boys from Jedward.

                     What can I say? Look at them! <3

        Here is a little video - ''Lipstick''... Please take a look! S'il vous plait...Jedward won the Irish  talent show one or two years ago I think.

    okay..they're gays..and so what? They are still soo gourges! But enough of them... The voting is started and I'm crossing my fingers for Jedward (Ireland), A friend fom London ( Denmark) and Lena Meyer Landrüt (Germany)

And yeah..My friends tells me all the time that I like a odd type of music..( I'll tell you about that another time) but I'm crazy about ''Satelite'' the last winner of Eurovision Song Contest

It's the type of song you here all the time when you 're in love. Just listen to the lyrics, Girls!!!
And also this year ''Taken by a stranger''

As the voting is nearly finish and my eyes is starting to close I realized that Denmark, Ireland and even Germany is not going to win this year. So I'm feeling terrible..loosing is awfull and it dosnøt make it any better that the winner this year is a crappy song by Azerbaijan :( But luckily Ireland with Jedward gave Denamrk 12 points. So 134 points to Denamrk and a 5th place again this year..We'll come again next year..

Goodnight Europe!

My home is where my heart is, and my heart is in Paris

                              It's the place - the city - it's Paris! It's the food -
                              the fashion - it's Paris! It's the language - the
                              atmosphere - it's simply just Paris!

As you proberly can guess I'm crazy about Paris. J'taime Paris, France. - This is my first blog and I've never tryed to blog before so this is my very forst time and therfore I think it's a good begining to start with something so simple - my love for Paris. And anyone loves Paris! I don't know why... I think it's a mix of everything the people, the food, and for God sick I could continue till the world ends.
What do you think is the best of France? Paris?
And I love travling as well... and I've been tons of times in Paris and I'm planning to take to Paris (a year or a half ) before I'll go to the university. But thanks again!... there is still a few years to come.
( Thank God again! I don't want to think about university right know... I'm just finishing 9th grade and by the way I'm living in Copenhagen, I'm 16 and my names is Caroline)

There's still a way from Copenhagen to The Eiffel Tower, but I have a lot of pictures with the Eiffel tower. This above is with out doubt one of my favorites.

        This is the picture which, as you can read,  makes the inspiration for the titel

                                                        Isn't it lovely?

       It's really makes me eat breakfast right now... even tho it's late in the afternoon!

Well here's a more suitable picture then  ;)

Greetings From